Purpose Founder Logo

Let’s Celebrate

I wanted to share this incredible journey we’ve been on with Purpose Founder, an impactful initiative I’m proud to be part of. Our mission is crystal clear: to share the gospel message and foster 1:1 connections with people worldwide. This year we have impacted: Personally sharing the gospel with over 2,500 people. Witnessing more than […]

GPS – God’s Planning System

GPS Banner

My husband and I got stuck in the snow in the middle of nowhere. Our tires kept spinning, We were low on gas, and had no supplies to stay alive. I remember the fear settling in because it was cold and getting dark. My phone was almost dying. I had just enough power to try […]

Living Freely


Sin holds us in bondage. It consumes our mindset and affects our circumstances. It leaves us feeling guilty and shameful for what we have done. But, Jesus came and died for our sins. His sacrifice has allowed us to be consumed with grace, forgiveness, and freedom. God is so good to us. He could remember […]

Perfect Love


Did you know that God’s thoughts for you are more than the grains of sand (Psalm 139: 17-18)? His love for you is deeper than we can comprehend because it is a perfect love.  Sometimes in life I have experienced imperfect love and less than what God desired for me. Let me tell you that […]